Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Question 3. Evaluation: How successful was your SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN in meeting its goals? Changing behavior?

 3. Evaluation: How successful was your SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN in meeting its goals? Changing behavior?
On the Charity: Water website, there is a specific page dedicated to completed projects. The page shows a map of the globe with circles around countries/cities where projects have been completed. If you click on the circle, it takes you to a description of the project and its success. Across the globe there are hundreds of descriptions of successful projects Charity: Water has completed. One project, for example, was based in Yalgatenga (Tampouy), Burkina Faso. Charity: Water rehabilitated a drilled well and gave over 900 people access to sanitary drinking water. The social marketing campaign has been successful at meeting its goal of providing sanitary drinking water to those in need. 

Charity: Water's social marketing campaign has also been successful at changing the public's behavior. This organization has gone past just asking for donations to fund their projects. They give you the opportunity to start your own campaign and track your own results to see the real-world impact you make. Giving the public this hands on experience with planning their own campaigns personalizes the process and encourages participation. In turn, what otherwise would be apathetic behaviors and attitudes are changed to inspired and motivated. They are making Charity: Water a community that people want to be involved in. 

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